Team Sports
To bounce: | botar (en el sitio) | |
To dribble: | conducir (botar avanzando) | |
To pass: | pasar | |
To shoot: | tirar | |
To slam: | machacar | |
To defend: | defender | |
To attack: | atacar | |
To score: | anotar, marcar |
Elements of the game:
The ball: | la pelota | |
The court: | la cancha | |
The basket: | la canasta | |
The backboard: | el tablero | |
The hoop: | el aro | |
The lines: | las líneas | |
The key: | la zona o "bombilla" |
Fouls and violations:
Violation: | Infracción al reglamento. Las faltas que cometo yo solo (dobles, pasos, salirme de la cancha...) | |
Foul/Personal Foul: | Falta personal. Las faltas que cometo sobre un adversario (golpear, cargar sobre él...) | |
Offensive Foul: | Falta en ataque | |
Deffensive Foul: | Falta en defensa | |
Technical Foul: | Falta técnica | |
Double dribble: | Dobles | |
Travelling: | Pasos | |
Out of bounds: | Fuera | |
3/5/8/24Violation: | Falta de 3/5/8/24 segundos |
A Serve: Servicio o saque
An Underhand serve: saque de abajo
An Underhand serve: saque de abajo
A Set: Colocación
de dedos.
An Overhand pass: Toque de dedos
A Forearm pass or a Dig: Toque de antebrazos
A Dive: plancha
A Spike or Smash: Remate
A Block: Bloqueo
A Block: Bloqueo
A Rally: un punto, la duración de un punto
To serve, to pass, to set...
To attack: atacar
To defend: defender
To switch or rotate: rotar
To switch or rotate: rotar
Front row player: delantero
Back row player: zaguero
Captain: Capitán
Libero: libero
Hitter or spiker: rematador
Basic Rules:
How do you play?
-To win a match, you have to win 2 out of 3 games.
Back row player: zaguero
Captain: Capitán
Libero: libero
Hitter or spiker: rematador
Basic Vocabulary
A match: un partido | A game: un juego |
Shuttle: volante | Court: cancha |
To rally: pelotear | A Rally: la duración de un punto |
Rally format: formato de competición en el que no hace falta tener el saque para puntuar.
| Forehand: envés de la mano. En bádminton se usa para el golpe “de derechas”) |
Backhand: de revés | Even: pares |
Bounds: límites | Smash: remate |
Odd: impares | Deception: engaño |
Outright: directamente | To deceive: engañar |
To pretend: fingir, hacer como si... | To follow through: seguir el movimiento |
Below: por debajo | To shake hands: darse la mano |
Badminton games have a 21 points rally format. This means you don´t have to be serving to score a point. You can score a point no matter who serves.
How do you play?
-To win a match, you have to win 2 out of 3 games.
-To win a game, you have to score 21 points.
-You score a point when your opponent can´t return the shuttle or the shuttle he/she returns falls out bounds (out of the court).
-In singles, you serve on the right service court when your score is an even number (0, 2, 4...).
-You serve on the left service court when your score is an odd number (1, 3, 5...)
-You serve on the left service court when your score is an odd number (1, 3, 5...)
-If a score becomes 20-20, the side which scores 2 consecutive points will win that game.
-If the score becomes 29-29, the side that scores the 30th point will win that game.
-If the score becomes 29-29, the side that scores the 30th point will win that game.
The court
Court for singles:
The shuttle must fall in the equivalent areas in your opponent´s court.
If it falls in the dark blue or red areas, it is a fault.
After the service, all blue areas are valid. imagen:efbilingü
The red areas are not a part of the court, so they are out of bounds. If your shuttle falls there, you lose the point.
Court in doubles:
In doubles, when playing, the shuttle can fall at any part of the court but, when serving,the shuttle can't fall at the red areas.
Service order in doubles.
Badminton videos with subtitles
Badminton quiz
Answer the following questions:
-Circle the rigth answer (1 to 5) and answer the questions (6 to 10) but don't use short answers.
1.Which of the following can legally touch the net?
b.players body
d.players cloting
2.A match in badminton consists of the best of ________games of 21 points.
10.What is the name of the shot hit high and close to the opposing team endsline?
-The Playing Court: The court measures 20 metres by 40 metres The goal area line, or 6-meter line , is the most important line. No one, except the goalie ,is allowed to stand in the goal area. Players may jump into the area if the ball is released before landing in the area.
- Number of Players: There are seven players on each team (six court players and one goalie). Substitutes may enter the game at any time through own substitution area as long as the player they are replacing has left the court.
-Duration of the Game:There are two periods of 30 minutes with ten minute half time.
-Passive Play: It is illegal to keep the ball in a team's possession without making a recognizable attempt to attack and to try to score.
-Playing The Ball
A player is allowed:
-To run with the ball for 3 steps
-To hold the ball for 3 seconds
Throw-In: The throw-in is taken from the spot where the ball crossed the
sideline, or if it crossed the endline, from the nearest corner. The
thrower must place one foot on the sideline to execute the throw. All
opposing players must stay 3 meters away from the ball.
The red areas are not a part of the court, so they are out of bounds. If your shuttle falls there, you lose the point.
In doubles, when playing, the shuttle can fall at any part of the court but, when serving,the shuttle can't fall at the red areas.
Service order in doubles.
Badminton videos with subtitles
Badminton quiz
Answer the following questions:
-Circle the rigth answer (1 to 5) and answer the questions (6 to 10) but don't use short answers.
1.Which of the following can legally touch the net?
b.players body
d.players cloting
2.A match in badminton consists of the best of ________games of 21 points.
3. When serving a player must serve it
diagonally to their opponent.
4.When the score is 1-0, the serving
team will serve from the:
d.Any place
b.below their waist
c. above their waist
6.If a badminton player touches the net while playing is it considered a fault?
7.In doubles play,the first serve for the serving side begins in what court?
8.During the game you may hit the shuttle twice in a row. True or false.
9.Points may only be scored by the serving side.True or false.
5.On a serve, the player serving must
make sure that the shuttlecok is hit:
a.under their fingers b.below their waist
c. above their waist
6.If a badminton player touches the net while playing is it considered a fault?
7.In doubles play,the first serve for the serving side begins in what court?
8.During the game you may hit the shuttle twice in a row. True or false.
10.What is the name of the shot hit high and close to the opposing team endsline?
-The Playing Court: The court measures 20 metres by 40 metres The goal area line, or 6-meter line , is the most important line. No one, except the goalie ,is allowed to stand in the goal area. Players may jump into the area if the ball is released before landing in the area.
- Number of Players: There are seven players on each team (six court players and one goalie). Substitutes may enter the game at any time through own substitution area as long as the player they are replacing has left the court.
-Duration of the Game:There are two periods of 30 minutes with ten minute half time.
-Passive Play: It is illegal to keep the ball in a team's possession without making a recognizable attempt to attack and to try to score.
-Playing The Ball
A player is allowed:
-To run with the ball for 3 steps
-To hold the ball for 3 seconds
-Unlimited dribble with 3 steps allowed before and after dribbling (no double-dribble).
-7-Meter Throw: The 7-meter throw is awarded when:
-A foul destroys a clear chance to score.
-The goalie carries the ball back into his or her own goal area.
-A court player intentionally plays the ball to his or her own goalie in the goal area
and the goalie touches the ball.
-A defensive player enters his or her goal area to gain an advantage over an attacking player in possession of the ball.
-Walking:If a handball player takes more than three steps without dribbling
(bouncing the ball), the possession is lost.
-Double dribble’:Players cannot receive the ball and bounce it, then hold the ball, and bounce it again.
-Corner:A corner is taken by the attacking side when a defender has knocked the ball over the goal line.
Vídeo:" L'equip petit" Un gran ejemplo a seguir.
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